Lovely, as always. Have you read Drinking The Rain by Alix Kate Schulman? It’s a memoir told through the lens of foraging. I highly recommend.

In terms of this platform - Almost 20 years indeed. I remember reading all the archives of your time in NYC after finding you when you were in Utah with my toddler running around underfoot (who is now 6’3” and headed out of my house). Thank you for writing for us who enjoy your perspective. It feels like the rekindling of an old friendship.

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I've not read Drinking The Rain and will def add it to my list. LOVE a good book rec so always feel free to throw one my way. In fact, I need to do a post of just giving and asking for book recs.

20 years! Hey, hi friend! That absolutely blows my mind! Wow. Thank you for being here. I really, really appreciate it.

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This may be the best post you've ever written. Love to you, Monica.

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Writing is so funny. This post did not come easy. Like, three weeks of on and off struggle until it finally came together in the way I wanted. Sometimes I hit publish and feel really happy with a post and this was not one of those times. Yet, here you are, a favorite reader, saying this. I always look forward to your comments because I dig the way your brain works. Thanks for this :)

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" I dig the way your brain works."

Back atcha, girl!

Also, an aside:

I always hunt for morels and I've only ever found one and it was rotten. I stood in Ft. Ancient, shaking my fist at the sky, and went home and ordered Indian food.

In other words, I am envious of your skillz.

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If you ever trek through PA I'll show you my secret morel spot.

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Word. You'll have to swear a blood oath to never tell... Or I'll blindfold you and drive you there and you can hunt with us. Ha!

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You must know I am a huge Sopranos fan, so in.

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Lovely. I could hear the birds and smell the must in this post...

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Thank you for reading and commenting, Karen!

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This is my favorite thing you’ve ever written.

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Really?! I Love You! ♥️

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This is exactly why I love getting in cold water all year round. Wild swimming, even in February, with frost on the ground, as geese make a V overhead and ducks glide by. I never feel more connected with the world than when I’m in that water. It brings me comfort to feel that one day my ashes will float in that water - my seasons over. Going back into earth. Loved this. As an aside, our connection - online - has spanned years but I wouldn’t be where I am now without you. You helped me get a job at Babble way back - when I was transitioning from being a script editor to script writer. My kids were wee and I was broke. That job meant everything. So to in any way support you back, is a pleasure. Plus your writing is, was, will always be, sublime.

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Hey you! It’s 5am here, I imagine it’s almost lunchtime for you. I feel the same way about your writing. Our connection over time and geography has been amazing. So happy you’re here. I gotta get into this cold water swimming thing. I’ve never been a good swimmer, but there was this swimming whole in the woods near the kids’ uncle’s house where the water stayed icy straight through August and jumping in on a hot day felt like it changed your body chemistry. You felt the buzz, the high of it, for hours afterward.♥️

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My SIL lives in Burlington VT and weekly swims in Lake Champlain no matter the season. I do cryotherapy, but even though it's intense, it's way less intense than polar plunging... I need to get the stones to do it, because, it makes you feel amazing.

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Yes is 10:39 here. You early riser! When I first get in water of below 5 degrees it hurts. Weird aches in my elbows and the base of neck. My torso feels like it’s on fire as the blood rushes to protect my organs. Then after 20 seconds - bliss. No pain. Just swimming like it’s any regular summer day. The high afterwards - partly due to being so present for every single second - partly because your blood has been forced around your whole body - like a computer reboot. It’s my best high. One day we will get to meet! X Maybe have a swim!

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Love this. So glad you’re doing so well these days 😘

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This was great, made me want to go for a hike through the woods. Love that this is a shared activity you do w/your partner. So cool thanks for sharing

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Thank you for this! And for reading!

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Couldn’t be happier to be reading you after all those years.

Miss A

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I’m so glad you’re here. Makes me so happy! ♥️😘

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